
InterSection:  CALL-IS and VDMIS

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InterSection: CALL-IS and VDM-IS 

Is Video Making It a SMALL World?


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InterSection:  VDMIS with CALL-IS

Is Video Making It a SMALL World?

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


ExhibitionHall, Booth 540


To join this live event, click <the event has passed>

recording: https://youtu.be/A6ouVWHVOZw 


Abstract: Smartphones and mobile devices are taking a central role in communication and delivery of information, and the use of videos within mobile assisted language learning (MALL) has become more prevalent. In this panel, an overview of videos for MOOCs, online games, language learning apps, and augmented reality will be discussed. 


Panel Members 

Suzi Lee: Georgia Tech - VDMIS

Rodrigo Carvalho - VDMIS

James May - Valencia College - CALL-IS

Tony Erben - K-12 & Teacher Education 






Links to materials 

5 mins 

Suzi Lee: Georgia Tech

- email: suzi.lee@pe.gatech.edu

- phone: 770-861-4738



Introduce purpose of panel and panelists


20 mins 

Suzi Lee: Georgia Tech

- email: suzi.lee@pe.gatech.edu

- phone: 770-861-4738


MOOC Videos on the go

How is the MOOC video experience for MALLers? -length, format, interactive tools, etc.

TESOL 2018 LEE.pdf



Rodrigo Carvalho 

- email: rodrigo.carvalho@pe.gatech.edu

- phone: 404-452-2328


Language Apps/Games

Impact of video as scaffolding for mobile games.

Link to presentation



James May: Valencia College

- email: jmay@valenciacollege.edu, 

It's not the APP it's the Application!

Sharecase of Video Apps and classroom applications for using video to engage and teach language learners. 

Link to presentation

20 mins

Tony Erben: University of Tampa

- email: terben@ut.edu, 

Virtual & Augmented Reality in the Language Learning Classroom

Session will discuss virtual/augmented reality and talk about the implications for teaching and learning.

Link to presentation

20 mins

Q&A (with all panelists)

Conclusion & Discussion:

Q & A


A last word on the topic will be made and the floor will be open for questions or comments from the audience



Presenter Bios:

Suzi Lee

Suzi Lee is the chair-lect for the VDMIS and currently works as an Instructional Designer and manages the development of all online learning programs at the Georgia Tech Language Institute (LI) including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). She created online teacher training courses on using technology and has been working on a number of MOOCs for adult learners hosted on Coursera. Suzi also provides LI faculty and staff with instructional technology solutions through training. In the past several years, she has been involved with app development specializing in UI design as well as consulting for various online projects.  She has a MA in Applied Linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University, a MA in Design Futures from Goldsmiths College, University of London, and a BFA in Graphic Design from University of Manitoba. She has over 13 years of teaching experience in various programs in the US, Canada, the UK, and South Korea. 

James May  

James May is the Faculty Fellow for Innovation and Technology at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida where he also teaches English as a Second Language. He is active member of the Sunshine State TESOL Board, Florida’s affiliate to TESOL International and is also a member of the TESOL International CALL Steering Committee. James got his start in the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in the mid 90's as a linguist for the U.S. Army, and has been working in digitally hybrid worlds ever since. He has been named Professor of the Year in the state of Florida twice, first by the Association of Florida Colleges in 2010 and then again by the Carnegie Foundation in 2011. He was also named one of the Nation’s Top 40 Innovators in Education by the Center for Digital Education in 2013. For the past decade, James has presented nationally on a wide variety of ever-changing technologies and digital innovations related to Computer Assisted Language Learning, Web 2.0, Social Media, Millennial Shift, Video-on-Demand, Cellphones in the Classroom, Digitally Transactive Learning, and more. 

Tony Erben

Tony Erben is an Associate Professor of Education (ESOL & Foreign Language Education) at the University of Tampa. Formerly, Chair of the Department of Education, he is currently the Director of the ESOL Endorsement program. He has published widely in the area of second language education, technology use in teaching and learning environments. He is series editor for Teaching ELLs Across the Curriculum with Routledge Press. Recent book publications include: Erben, T., et al. (2008) Teaching English Language Learners through Technology. New York: Routledge. Currently he is working on a resource publication with Kate Wittrock for teachers of ELLs called “Out On A Limb: A Resource Guide to Raise Instructional Effectiveness and Overcome the 30 Most Persistent Errors Ells Make” 

Rodrigo Carvalho

Rodrigo Carvalho is a lecturer at the Georgia Tech Language Institute. He works with online course and MOOC development. Currently, Rodrigo is working on his second online teacher training course on game-based teaching. At the IEP level, he has been consistently teaching grammar and writing, but he has also developed a League of Legends integrated skills course for advanced learners as part of the Specific Purposes track of GTLI.  As a result, Rodrigo was invited to be part of the Hot Topics Panels on gaming at TESOL for two years in a row.  Before joining Georgia Tech, he has taught at the Federal University of Vicosa Extension English Program, in Brazil. 


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