
Mobile Apps for Education

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Mobile Apps for Education


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Mobile Apps for Education 


Exhibition Hall, Booth 540


This live event has passed 

recording: https://youtu.be/ZdO13aXol38 


Presenter  Title  Summary  Links 
V. Angel Pablico-Kobayashi, California State University, Los Angeles, USA  Heads Up! in the ESL Classroom  Heads Up! can now be a fun and effective class activity. With this app, teachers can instantly get their ESL students talking describing, and reviewing words. In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how to create a deck of vocabulary cards and play the game using the app Heads Up!   
Sally Thelen, Western Michigan University, USA Using the Stitcher App for Extensive Listening Practice  This demonstration will show how the Stitcher app, a podcast aggregator, can be used for extensive listening practice and vocabulary building. The presenter will cover how to use this free, easy-to-use app to find and listen to podcast episodes and how this app can be used in the classroom.   

Allie Piippo, Eastern Michigan University, USA

Trisha Dowling, University of Michigan, USA

Katie Weyant, University of Michigan, USA 

Cultivating Mindfulness in the ESL Classroom with 'Calm'  Mindfulness apps such as Calm are a way to help teachers and students develop a mindfulness practice that can help reduce anxiety and increase focus in the classroom, in order to aid language learning. Attendees will experience how the Calm app can help you and your students develop mindfulness.   
Michael Ropicki, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia  Kahoot! for Pronunciation  Kahoot! is an obvious tool for working with vocabulary and grammar, but Kahoots can also provide beneficial and sometimes unexpected results when used for teaching pronunciation.   
Lisa Horvath, Általános Iskola, Hungary Digitalize and Bring to Life Student Projects and Teacher Presentations with Adobe Spark Video  Adobe Spark Video is a user-friendly application and website that can be used to bring to life and digitally preserve student projects and teacher presentations. Participants will learn how to use Adobe Spark Video to compile student work and easily create engaging teacher-generated presentations.   

Judy Hu, University of California, Irvine, USA

Vera Figueira, University of California, Irvine, USA 

Snapchat: Meaningful Language Tasks Using Today's Fastest-Growing Social App  Snapchat, the fastest-growing social app for today's young adults in many countries, features concisely captioned photographs and short video clips that vanish after 24 hours. Learn how the ephemeral nature of "snaps" can be used to spark excitement about reading, writing, speaking, and listening to English outside the classroom.   
Teresa Nguyen, Golden West College, USA  Can You Associate Word Association with Other Apps?  If you're into jigsaw puzzles, hangman, word searches, and crosswords, you'll definitely love this! Word Association is a fun, free, challenging app to not only build your vocabulary, but also to identify the relationship between them. Teachers: come and discover how you can incorporate this into your curriculum!   
Teresa Nguyen, Golden West College, USA Ahem* Ahem* Tandem is here! Want to find a native English speaker easily? Tandem! It'll help connect a native speaker who want to learn your language in exchange. Together, you'll build your listening skills, improve your pronunciation, and exchange cultural knowledge. Come see its benefits and learn how to incorporate this app into your classroom.  

Dana Saito-Stehberger, UC Irvine, USA

Judy Hu, UC Irvine, USA

Goose Chase: Interactive Scavenger Hunts Create a free digital scavenger hunt using the Goose Chase app! Send students on missions to find an answer to a question, to take a picture of a red car, to interview someone or to sing a song. You can set a time limit and track progress on your phone.  


Presenter Biographies


Name  Biography 
V. Angel Pablico-Kobayashi, California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA), USA (vangel.pablico@gmail.com)   
Sally Thelen, Western Michigan University, USA (slthelen@gmail.com)   
Allie Piippo, Eastern Michigan University, USA (apiippo@emich.edu)   
Trisha Dowling, University of Michigan, USA   
Katie Weyant, University of Michigan, USA   
Michael Ropicki, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (mw.ropicki@uniandes.edu.co)   
Lisa Horvath, Általános Iskola, Hungary (lisa.rhythmandmoves@gmail.com)   
Judy Hu, University of California, Irvine, USA (judy.hu@uci.edu)  
Vera Figueira, University of California, Irvine, USA (vera.figueira@unx.uci.edu)  
Teresa Nguyen, Golden West College, USA (teresaxn@ymail.com)  
Dana Saito-Stehberger, University of California, Irvine, USA (dsaitost@uci.edu)  



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