
Mobile Apps for Education

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on January 16, 2018 at 2:40:31 pm



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Mobile Apps for Education

Mobile Apps for Education 


Exhibition Hall, Booth 540


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recording: <link>


Presenter  Title  Summary  Links 
V. Angel Pablico-Kobayashi, California State University, Los Angeles, USA  Heads Up! in the ESL Classroom  Heads Up! can now be a fun and effective class activity. With this app, teachers can instantly get their ESL students talking describing, and reviewing words. In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how to create a deck of vocabulary cards and play the game using the app Heads Up!   
Sally Thelen, Western Michigan University, USA Using the Stitcher App for Extensive Listening Practice  This demonstration will show how the Stitcher app, a podcast aggregator, can be used for extensive listening practice and vocabulary building. The presenter will cover how to use this free, easy-to-use app to find and listen to podcast episodes and how this app can be used in the classroom.   

Allie Piippo, Eastern Michigan University, USA

Trisha Dowling, University of Michigan, USA

Katie Weyant, University of Michigan, USA 

Cultivating Mindfulness in the ESL Classroom with 'Calm'  Mindfulness apps such as Calm are a way to help teachers and students develop a mindfulness practice that can help reduce anxiety and increase focus in the classroom, in order to aid language learning. Attendees will experience how the Calm app can help you and your students develop mindfulness.   


Presenter Biographies


Name  Biography 
V. Angel Pablico-Kobayashi, California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA), USA (vangel.pablico@gmail.com)   
Sally Thelen, Western Michigan University, USA (slthelen@gmail.com)   
Allie Piippo, Eastern Michigan University, USA (apiippo@emich.edu)   
Trisha Dowling, University of Michigan, USA   
Katie Weyant, University of Michigan, USA   



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